Speaker: Rev. Dr. von Schlichten

Vacations, Social Justice and Our Souls

Whether we are at the beach or in the woods or in Disney World or just staying home, our time off can be a profound experience of fun and spiritual rejuvenation that can help us to transform the world. We will explore the spiritual power of vacationing.

Reinventing Yourself

We will look at the lives of people who reinventied themselves, from Harvey Milk to Laura Ingalls wilder to Peter Mark Roget to Grandma Moses, and we will consider what we can learn from them for our souls and for our personal and professional lives. 

Solar Eclipses

Solar Eclipses: how have people interpreted these throughout history? What do solar eclipses and other phenomena in the sky have to do with our spirituality? We shall shed some light on this topic!


Drawing from Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, and other thinkers, we will consider how Black women have often been horribly mistreated and how they have led the way in social justice in America.

The Love of Animals

In a world of pain from humans, many of us receive liberating love from pets and other animals. Dr. Dave will reflect on our relationships with non-human animals.

The Manifesting Mystery

The idea of being able to manifest your dreams just by visualizing them is trendy, but what problems are there with the idea? Does manifesting really work? We will consider the good and bad of manifesting and how it pertains to our spiritual lives and our commitment to justice.

War and Peace

What does Tolstoy’s famous novel have to teach us about the current crisis with Ukraine and Russia? We will explore what this famous book offers our souls as we work for equity and justice.

Champions of Vulnerability

We will explore how being more vulnerable is essential to working toward equity for all and helping to take better care of the planet. We will focus on Maya Angelou, Jimmy Carter, and Vandana Shiva.