Our Ministry
We are an inclusive faith community welcoming of people of differing backgrounds and spiritual and religious beliefs. We welcome you to the congregation and look forward to meeting you. Worship is at 10:30 am on Sunday in person or via zoom.
ESUUC is a lay-led congregation. This means that members of our church organize and lead our worship services. We also invite guest speakers to lead our services, the guest speakers include ministers from other local UU churches, guests from other religious traditions and guests from non-religious social organizations.
ESUUC is evaluating options for Ministry including the role of an ordained minister. Email your questions to MinistryExplorationTeam@esuuc.org.
Caring for one another is an important part of our ministry and community. If you have pastoral care needs, email PastoralCare@esuuc.org
Programs, Administration & Operations
Church business is handled by a Board of Directors, which consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Administrator, Membership Administrator & Religious Education Administrator. Our current “org chart” shows you how our Committees, Chairs, and Board are organized. You can reach a Board member via the email links on the “Our Elected Leaders” web page.