The ESUUC fiscal year runs from July 2025 through June 2026. Each Spring, we start planning for the budget for the next fiscal year in early April. The church’s committees, Sunday service teams, and board put together their requests for programs, and other budgets. After church  on May 18 at the Town Hall meeting, you will have a chance to discuss the proposed budget, as well as ideas for the future. The annual Congregational Meeting will be held after church on June 8 where members of the congregation will vote on the proposed budget.

The Pledge Drive is used in determining the actual income and budget for FY 2026. You are asked to increase your pledge this year so that ESUUC can continue the level of programming we enjoy. 

ESUUC is wholly self-supporting. Our activities depend directly on us, the members and supporting friends of ESUUC, to provide needed financial resources and volunteer services. These resources help to ensure that ESUUC provides what we value from our church: a supportive and like-minded community, the opportunities for spiritual growth, thoughtful Sunday services, and many other ways we gather as a community of communities.

This is how we build our future together! If you need more information, see the short video online at link to ESUUC Canvass Video, or come to one of the informational roundtables in person after service or on zoom. If you are ready to pledge, use the online form here: Pledge Form.

Important dates to remember:

  • March 30, 2025 Canvass Kickoff
  • April 13, 2025 Information Roundtable in person after service
  • April 14, 2025 Information Roundtable on Zoom (7:30pm, see e-news). Use this Zoom link.
  • May 1, 2025 Pledge deadline 
  • May 18, 2025 Town Hall to review proposed budget
  • June 8, 2025 Annual Congregational Meeting to vote on the Final Budget and the Slate of Candidates for Board. It is very important to attend as our by-laws require  a 40% quorum of qualified members.

Our covenantal faith creates community, thrives with community! And being in community includes a sense of stewardship for what we care about- each other, our building, our programs and activities. We understand that some of us have faced adversity and will be giving less. If this is not your situation, I encourage you to give 2% more this year or even more as you are able.

Instructions and materials:

Thank you for your support of ESUUC.

If you have any questions, email Mary Beth: