Speaker: Rev. Stephanie

Joy in a Time of Pandemic

During this stressful pandemic, joy may have seemed out of reach, but to experience wholeness we need to feel joyful. Please join Rev. Stephanie this Easter Sunday as we take time to celebrate and share our joys with one another. You’re invited to wear a colorful, festive Easter bonnet or other special attire to display … Continue reading Joy in a Time of Pandemic

What Are We Waiting For?

Whether you are Christian or not, the season of Advent has a lot to teach us about patience and living with uncertainty. At this typically hectic time before the holidays, Rev. Stephanie will explore the countercultural spiritual gifts of patience.


The State of Our Democracy: We should know the results of the general election by this Sunday. What does the outcome reveal about the current state of our democracy? How can we as people of faith find healing in this moment in our nation’s history? Please join me in a safe space as we come … Continue reading Post-Election

Weep with Those Who Weep: Lament as Resistance

This time of pandemic is a time of unraveling and collapse. How will we respond? Will we numb ourselves and turn away? We’ll explore this Sunday how the practices of deep listening and lament can enhance resilience and compassion for both self and others.

The Necessity of Active Hope

Easter Sunday and Earth Day essentially coincide this year. How is it possible to bring an Easter message of hope and resurrection to the climate crisis? This Sunday Rev. Gannon will be introducing eco-spiritual teacher Joanna Macy’s concept of “active hope” and sharing with you the basic elements of her spiral of The Work That … Continue reading The Necessity of Active Hope

Refreshing Our Vision & Water Communion

This morning, Rev. Stephanie’s first as your minister, we celebrate our annual Ingathering/Water Communion. Please bring some water that represents some place or experience that refreshed your spirit this summer. In this common Unitarian Universalist ritual, we’ll pour together our collective waters and reflect on our shared vision for the new congregational year.