New for 2021-22 – Shared Pulpit RE:

We’re partnering with our Shared Pulpit siblings to offer Adult RE among our 5 congregations. This means that anyone in the 5 congregations can attend any Adult RE programs offered unless otherwise noted.

Current offerings (newest listed first):

  • Ginger Hill UU offers Adult RE on Thursday evenings 7:30-8:30 pm
  • Center for Loving Kindness offers multi-faith “Sofa Spirituality” videos and learning opportunities (see the MIM section of the July monthly eNews)
  • Social Justice Book Club, hosted by the Monroeville Public Library, meets on Zoom monthly on 2nd Wednesday 7-8:30pm
  • Ongoing ESUUC programs, open to all:
    • “Singing the Living Tradition” (weekly on Friday 1-2pm, 1st and 3rd Mondays 6:30-7:30pm)
    • Small Group Ministry (following Soul Matters themes) (2nd Sunday noon-2pm)

If you’re interested in self-study, or simply exploring UU curricula, see the “Tapestry of Faith” web page ( “Embodying lifespan faith development for our congregations, Tapestry of Faith is a collection of curricula and resources that nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love.”

Gayle P and Marianne J are planning RE opportunities for our new church year. We’ll publicize them in the eNews and on ESUUC’s web site. If you’d also like to get email about adult RE programs this year, let us know and we’ll add you to our list. Contact Gayle or Marianne if you have any questions:


(last updated 2021-06-18)