Speaker: Dr. David VonSchlicten

Solitude and Presence

What does it mean to be alone? What does it mean to be with someone? What is the difference between aloneness and loneliness? How can we be truly present to someone? Drawing from Julian of Norwich, Fred Rogers, and Susan Cain, we will contemplate solitude and presence in the name of social justice. 

Liberation Theology: How Oppressed and Oppressor Can Work Together

History has been full of tragedies of one people oppressing another. Liberation theology attempts to correct for that by empowering the oppressed people and helping oppressors to see that, when we have equality, everyone wins. Drawing from Gutierrez, Freire, and feminism, we will consider how we can work together to make the oppressor and oppressed … Continue reading Liberation Theology: How Oppressed and Oppressor Can Work Together