Speaker: Marianne J

Water Communion (Intergenerational)

Children, youth, and adults are all invited to participate in our annual Water Communion, using water as a symbol of connection to each other and to our own lives. Details can be found in the September newsletter.

Christmas Vigil

The story- and song-centered service we traditionally hold on Christmas Eve is presented — this year it’s a few days early to make it easier see the children’s story “The Legend of Old Befana,” by Tomie dePaola. All ages are welcome!

Ingathering/Water Communion Sunday

THIS SUNDAY IS ZOOM only – NO in-person gathering.

Everyone is invited!
Children, youth, and adults are all invited to participate in Water Communion this Sunday on Zoom, using water as a symbol of connection to each other. Have water that you can pour and a vessel to pour into. We’ll reflect and share what our water symbolizes to us about new beginnings/growing, sadness/grief, transitions/moving from one thing to another, and endurance/things that last. The children are welcome to stay for all the sections, but may wish to leave after new beginnings/growing since they will have been in Religious Ed since 9:30am. Details will be provided on when you can bring your poured water to ESUUC to be combined with water from past years.

Sources of our UU Living Tradition

Shared pulpit. What are your sources of wisdom and spirituality? Are the UU Sources enough for you, not enough, or too much? Let’s explore together, share, and grow.

When No UUs Look Like You…

When we talk about “identities on the margins,” often gender and sexuality come to mind right away. We may be slower to name “race.” Marianne J will share stories from her journey this past year as a UU who came to realize, after almost 18 years at East Suburban, that no one in her congregation looked like her.

All Creatures Great and Small

An appreciation of the roles the animals around us play in our lives and our emotional well-being. Featuring a Pet Blessing: Please bring a photo(s) of animals that are special to you to the service. Pets welcome!

On the Road: What’s Your North Star?

In July, you explored how to “Pack Your Bags, We’re Heading Out.” Today, you each decide where you are heading and explore ways to stay on course using the compass of values-directed living. You are invited to commit to begin or continue a journey that includes social justice.

Self-care: Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids (and Adults, too!)

Wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat (or a beach towel), a playful attitude, & a willingness to move around. All ages are welcome as we practice some fun yoga poses, easy-to-learn breathing exercises, and guided meditations for the young, and young-at-heart. Presented by Marianne J

In <...> I Trust

In what or whom do you trust, when times are difficult, or when you face a seemingly insurmountable challenge? With Marianne Jew, brainstorm some definitions of ʺtrust,ʺ assess trustworthiness (your own and that of your relationships with others or with a ʺhigher powerʺ), and generate a personal plan to deepen trust, as we continues our … Continue reading In <...> I Trust