Letting Go
Sadly, this Sunday marks Rev. Stephanie’s last worship service with the congregation. It will be a time of celebration of our shared ministry together. Ritual will be used to release our covenant.
Sadly, this Sunday marks Rev. Stephanie’s last worship service with the congregation. It will be a time of celebration of our shared ministry together. Ritual will be used to release our covenant.
Please join Rev. Stephanie this Sunday as we hear stories from congregants about what their UU faith means to them and how this congregation has been life-saving. We’re excited and overjoyed to welcome some new members this Sunday. Don’t miss out on the celebration!
This week’s sermon, for Black History Month, explores James Baldwin’s preface to The Fire Next Time. Rev. Stephanie Gannon compares Baldwin’s theology of love to the relational theology of Universalism. What’s at stake if Unitarian Universalists don’t make revolutionary love the basis of their racial justice work?
The last year has been one of the most difficult ones in recent memory. What more beautiful world do you wish to create in the coming year?
Rev. Stephanie and Brenda S will present traditional Christmas stories and carols virtually. Please note that we will be inviting you to light a taper during the service.
On this homecoming Sunday, we’ll gather our common waters to symbolize our reconnection and recommitment to community, hope and shared values of our UU faith.
On the eve of International Women’s Day on March 8th and on the centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment, we’ll take time this Sunday to celebrate some powerful women in our UU tradition who continue to be examples to us of what’s possible for the love and justice we aspire to today.
What breaks your heart? In the face of disappointments and setbacks, how do you stay engaged and committed to those ideals and hopes you have for this broken world of ours? As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to keep opening our hearts and striving for justice, especially in the midst of our brokenness and despair. … Continue reading The Resilient Heart
Second Annual Fire Communion Sunday. This month we explore the Soul Matters theme of Integrity. How do you stay true to yourself and your vision? What obstacles do you face to embodying your UU values in all areas of your life? In this first service of 2020, we’ll be participating again in a Fire Communion … Continue reading Daring to be Real
Please join us for a traditional Christmas worship service with carols and stories. The service will be held at 7:00 PM.