Speaker: Rev. Stephanie Gannon

Hope in the Dark

It’s notable how several religions have intentional celebrations that cherish the light within this darkest season. As we explore the Soul Matters theme of awe in December, let’s reflect on the miracle of hope and the stories of hope and resilience that resonate with us during this season that can be difficult for many people.

The Wisdom of Trees

This summer I’ve found myself reading and thinking a lot about trees. What do trees have to teach us about community and how to live in healthy relationship with one another? Please join me this Sunday for an exploration of trees’ quiet wisdom.

Why We Need Sabbath Practice

In these increasingly stressful and disturbing times, we need to be intentional about setting aside time and space for a sacred pause. It’s important for our mental health and overall sense of well-being. Sabbath has long been an integral part of Jewish spiritual and religious life. This Sunday I’ll talk about this ancient tradition and … Continue reading Why We Need Sabbath Practice

On the Road to Find Out

The road, the way, the path–these are all metaphors different traditions use for the spiritual journey. So many great spiritual teachers leave home, go on a long, arduous journey, and then return home transformed. One of the tasks of the spiritual life is to take the journey within and to see where it leads us, … Continue reading On the Road to Find Out

Trust the Seeds

February is Black History Month. MLK, Jr., paraphrasing nineteenth-century Unitarian abolitionist minister Theodore Parker, declared that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” How do we trust in the seeds we’ve planted in our anti-racist anti-oppression work? How do we keep tending them in the face of the continued … Continue reading Trust the Seeds

The Power of Yes

In this first month of the new year we explore the theme of Possibility. What are your hopes for the New Year? What is keeping you stuck? What do you need to let go of or release in order to create new, healthier patterns for yourself and your community? In this first service of 2019, … Continue reading The Power of Yes

Being Held in Mystery

As Unitarian Universalists, many of us tend to be thinkers, doers, and problem solvers. When do we slow down to truly receive the mystery of life, where there are no answers, but rather a sense of oneness and unity? Inspired by various Christian mystics as well as those from earth-centered traditions, I will focus in … Continue reading Being Held in Mystery