Speaker: Cari A

Blue Holiday Service

This time of year is not “the most wonderful time of the year” for all of us. During thistime of celebration and joy, many of us may be struggling with grief, despair, loneliness,depression, or many other emotions that are less than ‘merry and bright.’This contemplative service creates space to recognize and honor the complicated andchallenging … Continue reading Blue Holiday Service

Vulnerability in 2023

The word ‘vulnerability’ broke into the national dialogue in 2010 when Brene Brown’s TedX talk, “Power of Vulnerability” became one of the most viewed Ted Talks ever. This service will explore what vulnerability means today, the ways it applies to our UU principles, and how Brown’s message of radical vulnerability does not serve all communities.

Trash Art

Using what we’ve got to create beautiful-in-spirit and mediocre-in-execution art and household items. Cari A., a lifelong craft store enthusiast, will share reflections and experiences on the intersection of art therapy, reduced consumerism, acrylic paint, contentedness. Themes: healing through creating, sustainability, humility, hot glue.

The Magic of Food

A curious gourmand explores the spiritual power of food and the ways it enlivens the memory and connects us to our ancestors.